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Mantra Yoga Stress Buster & Mind Booster for Students

Focus means “Dharna” as explained in “Ashtang yoga”

For students “Focused Approach” is a must for studies that ensure the way of success to reach the Goal.

As students mainly come across subjects based on five dimensional sensory way of understanding with their mental strengths.

1-Audio that is hearing the related content of subject .2-Visual that is seeing the moving objects related to subject.3- Vocal that is communicating pronouncing the different methods of subjects. 4-Practical means the learning the process of operating part of the subject. 5- Implementation that is learning an expertise for the performance of subject.

Out of these five, first three are the main area of concern for learning the subject and rest the two are the practical performing part , thus initial three need extra attention and “Focused Approach” to understand the knowledge and the conceptual part.

In today’s educational system dependency is on very higher side with  internet based telecommunication ports and usage of smart phones for audio and visual content with modernized international standard, as consequence this technology has advantages and disadvantages both as students are overloaded with audio visual content more than anything , therefore  it becomes difficult to focus on priorities,  resulting in Mental Stress , Fatigue, Insomnia and Anxiety among students.

Shiv Sharnam Charitable Trust’s research wing  of Vedic Scholars, has invented Mantra Yoga Stress Buster Program which is a combination of Ashtang Yoga and Vedic Science that reveals the coded secrets for students to strengthen the capacity for “Focused Approach”. Student once focused can understand the subject without stress and anxiety and become successful in achieving Goals.


Advantages of Mantra Yoga Stress Buster Program and the Mobile App are of great help for students  1- Get rid of tiredness due to excessive usages of audio visual content , 2- Focusing capacity increases with mental peace ,3- Get rid of mental stress, fatigue  and anxiety ,4 - Ensures complete mind and body  relaxation  ,5-Knowledge reproducing capacity increases with confidence and concentration

Mantra Yoga Stress Buster Daily Practice of 20 minutes with head phones, morning evening ensures increased Focused Approach” with complete mind and body relaxation.

Vijay Rawal

Vedic Scholar

(Mantra Yoga Stress Buster Program is research  supported and endorsed by Dr. Ashutosh Upadhyay Metaphysicin,  Eng. Swapnil Mahindre  Sound Engineer ,Dr. Mahendra Pandya Vedic Studies , Dr. Abhay Paliwal MD Psychiatry , Dr. Jai Paul Dudeja Physicist, Ex. Scientist DRDO Govt. of India ,Ex. Director Amity University, Dr. Deepak S, Kulkarni MS Mch. Neuro Surgery, Dr. Gopal Shukla Vedic Studies)

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